BAMA studio wish list

We are building a recording studio and practice room.

This modern digital facility will allow Borrego Springs music students the ability to learn the latest audio technology.

Skilled carpenter Jeff Murphy applies a bead of acoustic silicone before 1 inch thick soundproof glass is installed.

His double wall filled with rockwool and topped with mass loaded vinyl will seal off the room from outside sounds.
Rising well above the drop ceiling all the way to the rafters, the additional double wall construction  was much more than the usual 2 X 4 design.

Next a final layer of  drywall will be applied over the special vinyl, leaving almost no sign of the specialized materials, just silence.

A patch bay allows audio connectors to pass through the wall without compromising the sound proofing.

Below is a list of the items we are  purchasing.  Please consider making a donation to give the students in our underserved community the chance to pursue their dreams.

Tax ID 923616691

Please use PO box for written corespondence:

Borrego Springs Music Festival
PO box 352
Borrego Springs, CA 92004

Street Address:
Borrego Springs Music Festival
590 Suite 101
Borrego Springs, CA 92004

Contact us regarding the festival here:
Denis Hunsinger

Contact us regarding the website here:
John Young

$649.00 Focusrite Audio interface
$1,200.00 Mac Mini computer
$60.00 Reaper Audio Software
$200.00 Arturia music software
$129.00 Computer keyboard
$100.00 Wireless mouse
$200.00 External drive
$298.00 Two Studio Headphones
$796.00 Four Studio speakers
$600.00 Four microphones & stands
$249.00 Headphone Distribution Amp
$70.00 18′ equipment racks
$20.00 2 headphone extension cables
$120.00 Four instrument cables
$268.00 Audio Patch Bay
$80.00 Direct Interface boxs
$400.00 Wireless microphone System
$130.00 Ten XLR cables
$500.00 5 SM 58 Microphones
$1,854.22 6 48X96 acoustic panels
$7,963.22 Total

Your donations and voliunteer labor are highly appreciated and are making the incredible happen.
Thank you to the generous people of the world!

Work continues on the BAMA recording studio.
The wall is completed and loaded with rock wool, a sound proofing material.
Mass loaded vinyl has been installed.
The triple glazed glass from the incredible Firehouse Glass was delivered and installed. A patchbay to allow audio to be routed through the wall was installed.
Drywall is going up!
It humbling and gratifying to see the dream being realized that will benefit the youth of the community for years to come.